πΏπΏπΏπΏ ISO: Floodland Brewing – Roseate b4 – 750ml
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Roseate wasn’t intended to be a series of beers that taste like italian bitters like campari and such, but R2 was such a cool beer for me that I just kept running with it. R3 really improved on R2 for my tastes, but in May we took a few days off and went up to Orcas (shout out to Parker who was enormously kind and let us crash at his place during the early pandemic as we had a 5 week old baby and were going absolutely stir crazy in our tiny house). With a few days off of work I cracked a Roseate 3 bottle and was disappointed that, while it was tasting nice, the bitterness had really faded. That informed the way that R4 was built, which was to focus more on the rhubarb and hops and dial back the citrus bitterness, which tends to fade. This batch was blended entirely from spelt saisons, and the bitterness and character is distinct. The rhubarb has almost no sugar so it brings the ABV down to a ridiculous 4.65, so while it has the bitterness and character of an Americano cocktail it has none of the sugar and 1/4 the booze. I’m really, really happy with this iteration and if you liked R3 and you like this series of beers you’ll be happy with this. If you like it less bitter and more Brett forward just age it a bit.